Memphis, TN Pyramid FoodService Tennessee Water Service | Stanton, TN Staying Hydrated | Collierville, TN Healthy Options

Beat the Heat: Tips on Staying Hydrated This Summer in Memphis, Stanton, and Collierville

As temperatures rise, staying hydrated is more crucial than ever. It’s a must for keeping up energy levels, focus, and overall health. But for some employees, it can be hard to get enough water to beat the heat. There’s where Pyramid FoodService can help.

Whether it’s on the factory floor or in the office, ensuring staff drink water throughout the day is vital. We’ve pulled together some practical tips to help your team stay hydrated. They include ways to enhance the flavor of your water and get more energy from what you drink. Plus, different solutions that improve the overall quality of the Memphis water in your break room.

Why Staying Hydrated Matters

Proper hydration is vital for several reasons. For starters, it keeps your body heat regulated. How? By letting you sweat. The sweat, or water, on your skin evaporates, cooling your body. It’s ideal for hot summer days. So the more your workers sweat, the more water they should drink to replace it.

Water, or the lack thereof, can cause people to feel tired. It leads to fatigue and low energy. Thus, productivity goes down. To combat it, offer more delicious office water to drink.

Staying well-hydrated also boosts cognitive functions. How? Because when you drink water you are better able to concentrate. Your mental clarity is better too. That’s great news for staff performance.

Water also plays a big role in health. It prevents headaches, kidney stones, and other problems. Getting your team to drink more water can keep them healthy and happy. That can lead to fewer sick days and lower medical bills.

Tips for Staying Hydrated

Whether it’s for you or your team, here are some useful tips for drinking more water:

1. Drink Regularly

Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink water. If you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Instead, aim to drink small amounts of water often throughout the day.

2. Set Water Reminders

Memphis, TN Pyramid FoodService Tennessee Water Service | Stanton, TN Micro Markets | Collierville, TN Staying Hydrated

Use apps or alarms to remind you to drink water every hour. This can be quite helpful during busy workdays when you might forget.

3. Monitor Your Intake

Keep track of how much water you drink. Use a reusable water bottle with measurement markings to stay on target. Or log ounces in an app. It can be rewarding to see yourself hit hydration goals.

Enhance Your Water’s Flavor

Plain water can sometimes feel boring. So here are some ideas to make your water more appealing.

1. Infuse it with Fruits and Herbs

Add slices of lemon, lime, cucumber, or even whole berries to your water. The flavors mingle with the water, giving it a delightful twist. Or try fresh herbs like mint or basil. They pack a flavorful punch to any glass of water.

2. Use Flavor Drops

There are many flavored water enhancers on the market now. Squeeze a few drops in a bottle of water from the Stanton vending machine for a great taste. Opt for natural or sugar-free drops to avoid extra calories and sugar.

3. Try Sparkling Water

If you like carbonation, sparkling water can be a real treat. There are lots of flavors in your Collierville micro-market and they all boost your hydration. Grab one for a nice alternative to plain water.

Boost Energy with Enhancers

For those needing an extra kick of energy, check out these water enhancements:

1. Electrolyte Powders

These can help replace minerals lost through sweat. They also give you a quick energy boost.

2. Caffeinated Water

Caffeine can offer a gentle pick-me-up. Plus, getting it from water can offer energy without the crash some get from sugary drinks.

3. Vitamin-Infused Drops

Try vitamin drops in your water to get an extra benefit. Options such as B12 and C can help keep up your energy level and support your immune system.

Hydration Solutions for the Workplace

Creating a hydration-friendly Stanton break room encourages employees to drink more water. How can you do that? Here are our useful tips.

Pyramid FoodService Tennessee Water Service

1. Provide Bottled and Filtered Water

Stock the break room with bottled water and a good water filtration system. This keeps clean, great water on demand. Plus, the filtered water can be used in the Collierville office coffee brewer to improve taste.

2. Install a Water Cooler

A water cooler with both chilled and hot water has many benefits. First, it caters to many employee needs, like hot water for tea or an icy cold refresher. It also becomes a gathering place for staff to chat and keeps morale high.

3. Offer Variety

Include a mix of water options. Ensure the Memphis micro-markets have sparkling water and flavored drops, for example. By providing a variety, you are able to cater to the diverse tastes of your team.

4. Promote Hydration

Place signs and posters around the office about staying hydrated. You can also set up hydration challenges to get staff to drink more water. Or, offer them branded reusable water bottles. This is a staff perk, a marketing bonus, and helps your business be more green.

Pyramid FoodService Helps Your Team with Staying Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water this summer is a must. It is vital to maintain health, energy, and productivity. Make water more enjoyable with flavors, enhancers, and the right solutions. Then all your Memphis, Stanton, and Collierville staff can stay refreshed. After all, a well-hydrated team is a happy and high-performing team

Reach out to the hydration leaders in your area – Pyramid FoodService. We’ll build a water solution just for you. Plus, we offer other break room services, such as micro-markets full of healthy options. Call us today at (901) 743-7431!


Memphis Vending Services | Stanton Bottled Water | Collierville Employee Health

Still vs. Sparkling: What Water is Best for Memphis, Stanton, and Collierville Employee Health

There is great debate over the benefits of still and sparkling water. While water is great for employee health and hydration, is one better? Does the carbonation make the water less hydrating? Is still water better for you? Pyramid FoodService pulled together some facts in this blog about still and sparkling water. That way you can make an informed decision on what is healthiest for you to drink. And what types of water options to include in your employee break room.

Taste and Texture Can Boost Employee Health

To reap the benefits of water, first, you need to drink it. For some people, this is easy. To them, water tastes great just as it is. They enjoy a glass straight from the break room tap. Others might enjoy still water if it’s chilled, like the bottles in Memphis cold beverage vending machines.

Other people find still water, regardless of what state it’s in, to be flat and tasteless. If still water is the only option, they are likely to drink something else. Enter sparkling water. The bubbles give water a different mouth feel. Carbonation is fizzy and a bit tangy. Plus, there are also lots of naturally flavored sparkling waters. The beverage coolers in your Stanton micro-market might have LaCroix, Bubly, Polar Springs, or other sparkling water options.

The better taste and mouth feel can encourage people to drink more water. That means, offering it in your break room could promote hydration. That boosts employee health and well-being too.

Employee Health is All About Hydration

Memphis Micro-Markets | Collierville Water Filtration | Stanton Employee Health

So why exactly is drinking water so good for you? There are many reasons, but the broadest is that water replenishes your body. It refills fluids used as you think, eat, digest, sleep, move, talk, blink, etc. That makes it an all-around great thing to drink. There’s research that being hydrated can even improve concentration and boost mood. In addition, drinking water doesn’t add calories, sugar, or artificial additives (in most cases) to your daily total. That’s a win for anyone watching their weight and diet.

But does the carbonation affect how hydrating water is? The answer is no. According to the Associated Press fact-checking and Healthline, sparkling water is just as hydrating as still water. The bubbles make no difference in how the body takes in the water.

There may actually be an advantage to sparkling water. For some people, it can aid in digestion by making them feel full. That makes it a great option for employees trying to manage their weight in order to meet wellness goals. And as we mentioned earlier, many people prefer the taste.

For some people, carbonation can cause discomfort or even an upset stomach. Still water is the best option for these members of your team. We suggest a water filtration service to bring the best still water options to your break room. We can customize it to your break room space. Plus, the water is available on-demand via a tap, hot and cold. It can also be used to boost your Collierville office coffee and tea service.

The Choice Comes Down to Personal Preference

In the end, the choice of sparkling water or still water comes down to personal preference. If you like the crispness and fizz of a sparkling option, it’s a healthy beverage choice. But if you like the pure, smoothness of still water, that’s excellent too. Choose the option that helps you drink the most water and reap those water benefits!p

Interested in getting water options in your Memphis break room? It’s time to contact Pyramid FoodService. We have not just still and sparkling water solutions, but other services that will upgrade your break room. Call us today at (901) 743-7431. We look forward to working together.

Memphis, TN Healthy Vending | Olive Branch, MS Micro-Market | Southaven, MS Office Break Room

Embrace Summer with a Micro-Market: A Refreshing Break Room Upgrade for Memphis, Tennessee, as well as Olive Branch and Southaven Workplaces

With summer almost here, it’s a great time to give your break room a makeover. That way it matches the energy and vibrancy of the season. How can you do this? With a micro-market! Pyramid FoodService is pleased to bring Memphis, Tennessee, as well as Olive Branch and Southaven this new way to redo a traditional break room.

Micro-markets boost employee satisfaction with open designs for lots of different products, like healthy snacks and drinks. Plus, the self-checkout kiosk and cashless payments make them easy and exciting to use. That gets staff attention, from those being interviewed to lifers.

Here’s what else a micro-market can do to bring summer vibes into your break room.

A Micro-Market Runs Around the Clock

There are no restricted snack hours with a micro-market. It’s always open. That way staff can get the snacks, drinks, or food they need no matter the shift. Nights, days, weekends – no matter the time, everyone can get fresh fruit, healthy options, sweet treats, and refreshing beverages. It offers so much more than Memphis vending machines that will be a tasty option for everyone.

Self-Serve Offers Modern Shopping Perks

Memphis, TN Vending Machines | Olive Branch, MS Healthy Eating | Southaven, MS Micro-Market

No lines and no hassle. Our Southaven micro-markets streamline snack shopping. Plus, staff get all sorts of perks. After browsing the immense product selection, they just scan what they want at the kiosk and pay. The touchscreen walks them through the steps, making it fast and easy to get in and out. Using a micro-market account gets them even more sales and promos too. We take care of it all.

Pay With What’s In Your Pocket

At Pyramid FoodService, we want to be inclusive. Both our Mississippi Vending Service and micro-market kiosks take all of today’s payment options. They accept cash, credit cards, debit cards, and mobile wallets. That way all your employees can pay the way they want. Physical or digital currency, our micro-markets have them covered.

A Micro-Market Ups Your Employee Perk Package

By choosing a Memphis micro-market over a food vending machine, you aren’t just providing more options. Instead, you are investing in employee wellbeing. The easy access to desirable snacks and drinks boosts morale. Staff are more satisfied with their workplace and want to stay. Micro-markets make them feel valued and appreciated. Plus, they pair perfectly with our gourmet office coffee services.

Refresh Your Break Room With a Micro-Market

This summer, take your break room to the next level with a micro-market from Pyramid FoodService. Enjoy the open flow, 24-hour access, and self-serve kiosks with flex payments. It’s a great way to focus on employees, healthy eating, and providing an enjoyable workplace experience.

Get a golden office break room with service from Pyramid FoodService. We have everything from Olive Branch micro-markets to Southaven healthy vending services. Reach out today at (901) 743-7431. We’ll help bring the joys of summer into your break room.

Tennessee Soda Machines | Cold Drink Options | Hydrated Employees

Keep Tennessee Employees Hydrated at Work this Summer

Filtered water is a great way to get hydrated during summer, even if employees work in an office. It’s a delicious drink that helps Tennessee staff meet health goals and boosts well-being. Finally, it’s easy to add to any size break room.

Don’t let the summer heat drain energy and focus. Instead, opt for water filtration to bring out the best in your team.

Staying Hydrated at Work is a Must

Most people are thought to be dehydrated. Signs include headaches, fuzzy thinking, and poor mood. Without enough water to flush the body and aid internal processes, staff can experience poor health. To stay at your best, drink half your body weight in ounces of water.

What Stops People From Drinking Enough Water

If most people need to drink 85 to 100 ounces of water per day, what stops them? Especially Tennessee employees who have access to water fountains and kitchen taps. The truth is there isn’t just one answer. There are three. Here’s why people don’t drink enough water to stay hydrated.

1. It Tastes Bad

The biggest reason many people avoid drinking water is the taste. Chemicals left over from sanitizing the water can give it a metallic or acidic taste. High iron levels, old water pipes, and certain groundwater contaminants can also impact taste. These don’t make the water undrinkable, just less palatable.

Adding a water filtration system to the break room can remove bad flavors. Water is run through a special filter that absorbs chemicals and dissolved particles. The water on the other end tastes pure and clean.

2. It’s Not Convenient

If good-tasting water isn’t in the break room, it’s not convenient enough. Busy staff need easy and delicious drink options on-site. That’s the beauty of a water filtration system. It makes better-tasting water on-demand, hot or cold. Get a perfect fit in your Tennessee break room with a countertop or floor-standing model.

3. It’s Boring

Water is so natural, that we at times consider it boring or tasteless. But this doesn’t have to be the case. Certain water systems let users add carbonation. The sparkling bubbles give the water a sharp fizz that many find more pleasing than plain water.

Want to go the extra mile? Explore a water filtration unit that lets you create a personalized water beverage with bubbles and flavor. Choose from tart fruit flavors to refreshing minty bursts. Add sweetener or keep it natural. These units are a great way to make water a drinking experience.

Tennessee Vending Drinks | Filtered Office Water | Break Room Services

Alternative Ways to Stay Hydrated

Let’s be real. Your staff isn’t going to drink just water all day, every day. There needs to be other, portable ways to stay hydrated in the break room. Our Tennessee beverage vending machines are a great option. Besides bottled water and soft drinks, we stock juices, lemonades, and sparkling waters.

Need more beverage variety to keep staff happy and hydrated? Consider a Tennessee micro market. The cooler space is more open with plenty of room for drinks in glass bottles, extensions of popular drinks, and healthy drink alternatives. Look for iced teas, iced coffee, sports drinks, enhanced water, and kombuchas.

Get Healthy and Hydrated With Filtered Water

Let Pyramid FoodService help you keep a happy and strong staff with water filtration service. Employees will drink more water because it tastes good, is easy to get, and is special. The increase in staff hydration benefits health, improves thinking, and boosts mood. It’s a great way to support your team.

Reach out to Pyramid FoodService for more information about getting a water filtration system. Or learn more about other Tennessee break room services, such as office coffee, to benefit your staff. Call (901) 743-7431 today.

Memphis, TN Snacks & Drinks | Olive Branch, MS Healthy Vending | Southaven, MS Break Room

Elevate Summer Picnics and Boost Employee Wellness with Healthy Vending in Memphis, Tennessee, as well as Olive Branch and Southaven, Mississippi

As summer nears, it’s time to re-up your healthy vending commitment to staff. Why? Because it’s a great way to reward employees during a company picnic. Plus, the good-for-you options support well-being, an important issue to today’s workforce.

Pyramid FoodService knows healthy vending in Memphis, Tennessee as well as, Olive Branch and Southaven, Mississippi can do a lot. That’s why we offer it to our customers and customize it to their needs. It’s a great benefit to the break room and the whole office. So, let’s delve into all the ways healthy vending can help your business.

Healthy Vending Promotes Eating Well

Living a healthier lifestyle is important. And by offering better options at work, you can foster healthy eating. Use healthy food vending to get a range of choices in your Memphis, Tennessee office break room. This can include fresh fruits, salads, and whole-grain snacks. The more great-tasting, good-for-you options at work, the better corporate morale. That’s because healthy employees are happy employees. It’s time to support staff in making better health choices throughout the day.

Use it for a Summer Picnic Bonus

The company picnic in summer is a great way to bring your team together. Food and fun bring co-workers closer. So when you picture your team basking in the warm sun, imagine them eating delicious wholesome food. That’s where healthy vending comes in. Order some vending snacks and drinks in bulk right from us. Or, put your vending machines on free vend to reward your hard-working staff. Pyramid FoodService tailors our service to your picnic needs so it’s fun for all.

Memphis, TN Break Room Service | Olive Branch, MS Micro Markets | Southaven, MS Healthy Vending

Healthy Vending Transforms the Break Room

A good Olive Branch, Mississippi break room is a place to recharge. That’s why healthy snacks and drinks are a must. The nutritious choices boost employee energy and keep them on the right track.

Try Southaven vending machines full of wholesome items to update your break room. Or, get Memphis, Tennessee micro-markets that hold hundreds of products. Either way, your break room becomes a hub of health and relaxation. Employees love the positive vibes and how you support their well-being.

Customize Healthy Vending Machines

With Pyramid FoodService you can get more than traditional vending machine snacks and drinks. We will customize the Memphis vending machines to offer staff a wide range of nutritious options. From protein bars to organic beverages, we will tailor the vending choices to the preferences of your staff. The idea is that each healthy vending machine will promote healthier eating habits. It’s a win for your team and your bottom line.

Boost Your Break Room Benefits with Pyramid FoodService

This summer, upgrade your workplace wellness. Set your sights on healthy eating with vending that supports your team, makes picnics better, and transforms the break room. We will help every step of the way, including by designing a program just for your needs.

Contact Pyramid FoodService to nurture your staff and offer great Mississippi vending service in the break room. Call today at (901) 743-7431.

Memphis, TN Soda Machine | Olive Branch, MS Cold Drinks | Southaven, MS Beverage Vending

Explore Memphis Cold Beverage Must-Haves for Employee Break Rooms

We all get thirsty. This means that one of the best benefits a break room can have is quick access to a cold beverage. Employees will love having drinks ready when thirst strikes. With a variety of choices, it can also help them stay energized, healthy, and productive.

6 Cold Beverage Winners For Today’s Staff

Whether it’s from a Olive Branch, MS vending machine or a micro-market cooler, we have the drink options you want. Here are six delicious cold drink categories we put in Southaven, MS break rooms like yours.

1. Cold Brew

The newest craze in coffee is cold brew. The creamy texture is smooth and less acidic than traditionally brewed coffee. Find it canned in one of our Memphis micro-markets. It’s a perfect alternative to office coffee during the summer months.

2. Sparkling Waters

Sparkling water offers the same hydration as plain water but with more sparkle. Choosing sparkling water makes it easier to reach your water-drinking goals for the day, which helps boost concentration and productivity. Both are great for busy workers. Plus, many sparkling water options have no added sugar making them a good way to support wellness.

Memphis, TN Micro-Market | Olive Branch, MS Cold Beverage | Southaven, MS Break Room Drinks

3. 100% Juices

Juice can be hydrating and good for you. It’s a natural source of many key vitamins and minerals. There’s also a range of juice options available, from tart to sweet, so there are juice choices for everyone in the Olive Branch, MS cold beverage vending machine.

4. Soft Drinks

A vending machine classic, Pyramid FoodService stocks all the best soda sellers. There are even diet options for those avoiding sugar. Carbonated and flavorful, soda is a great way to alleviate thirst.

5. Energy Drinks

Full of energizing caffeine and concentration-boosting vitamins, energy drinks are a cold beverage must. We stock a range of flavors and varieties from national energy drink brands. Look for your favorite in one of our Southaven, MS micro-market solutions in the break room.

6. Cold Beverage Sport Drinks

Sports drinks aren’t just for sports. They are great for replacing electrolytes lost when you sweat. That makes an ice-cold sports drink a great way to hydrate.

Cold Beverage Options Boost Productivity

Having cold drinks in the break room is a great way to help employees save time during breaks and recharge for the work ahead. It’s also important to have the right mix of cold beverages, such as cold brew coffee, fruit juices, classic sodas, and sports drinks.

We can help make the break room a haven for the thirsty. Contact Pyramid FoodService at (901) 743-7431 for the must-have cold drink choices and all your break room service needs. We look forward to working together.

Memphis, TN Office Break Room | Olive Branch, MS Online Ordering | Southaven, MS Micro-Markets

Introducing Pyramid FoodService’s New Online Ordering Platform for Break Rooms in Memphis, Tennessee, as well as Olive Branch and Southaven, Mississippi

Ready for a new level of convenience for all your office coffee and pantry needs? Then let us announce the new Pyramid FoodService online ordering platform. It’s a modern way to shop, order, and receive break room essentials for Tennessee and Mississippi clients. The features and well-designed interface make it easy to use and a great tool. How will it benefit a company like yours? Keep reading to find out the answers.

Online Ordering Made Easy

Pyramid FoodService’s new online ordering makes it simple for Memphis, Tennessee clients to get all their break room needs. Order Memphis office coffee frac packs or single-cup pods with a few clicks. Do you have a cashless pantry? Order items that are running low in a flash.

Not only does being online make ordering easy, but clients can see ALL our products. Yet, there are no huge catalogs or long order forms. Browse items to restock or explore similar, but new options. There are also suggested pairings. These products go well with what’s already ordered.

The online platform includes a shopping cart that makes checkout seamless. It’s a great way to save time and hassle. Plus, it ensures the break room is the employee perk you want it to be for retention and high morale.

Benefits of Online Ordering

There is no faster way to buy Olive Branch, Mississippi break room products than through our online ordering. It is tailored to your tastes. Plus, tracks past buys and scheduling in the “order history” tab. That makes it easy to see when and what was purchased last.

Memphis, TN Vending Service | Olive Branch, MS Break Room Coffee | Southaven, MS Online Ordering

Online, with access to hundreds of items, it’s easy to look for new products, such as healthy alternatives. You’ll find many more options than in the Memphis, Tennessee vending machine. Plus, we have recommendations. That can make it simple to find choices that will be popular in the break room. This keeps the offerings fresh.

Track spending on our online platform, too. And use the budget tool to stay within a certain amount. It’s nearly as easy as having us install a Southaven, Mississippi micro-market.

A Partnership with Supply Wizards

Our online ordering platform is here thanks to Supply Wizards. As our partners, they brought the idea of online ordering to life. They worked endlessly on integration. They brought on board the latest technology. As a result, this platform exceeds the needs of our break room clients.

Get Back Your Time With Online Ordering

Online ordering from Pyramid FoodService has many benefits. It’s an easy way to order office coffee products, restock an Olive Branch office pantry, or buy water filtration supplies. There is access to more products, new ideas, and spending tools. In the end, it is a very convenient way to get break room needs.

Need micro-markets or other break room services? Pyramid FoodService has it all, from office coffee to Mississippi vending service. Contact us today at (901) 743-7431. We look forward to working together.

Memphis, TN Micro-Markets | Olive Branch, MS Retaining Employees | Southaven, MS Better Employee Benefits

Why Micro-Markets Drive Up Employee Retention in Memphis, TN, as well as Olive Branch and Southaven, MS

Give your employee retention strategy a boost with micro-markets. This new break room solution breakthrough is a sure way to impress employees and help keep them on staff. Why? First, the overall concept of the micro-market speaks to employees and keeps them excited. It transforms a break room into a destination. That fosters collaboration and drives up company morale both of which are great for keeping your top performers.

Ready to go in-depth into the perks of using a micro-market in your Memphis, TN break room? Then keep reading to explore exactly what they are and how they can help retain your hard-working staff.

What are Micro-Markets?

A micro-market is a whole new take on workplace refreshments. Instead of a reliable Olive Branch, MS vending machine, micro-markets are more open, with easy-to-access racks and coolers. The set-up is designed around your break room space and can grow as your staff does. There’s room for more options than your typical vending machine, yet it offers the same 24-hour convenience and easy cashless payments. That’s why Southaven, MS micro-markets are quickly growing in popularity.

Why Staff Love Micro-Markets

The feature employees love most about a micro-market is the number of choices. There are tons of delicious options, from different candies, snacks, treats, and fresh foods. This is great for meeting many dietary needs and tastes in the workplace.

The additional room in a micro-market means there is also space for healthy options. Fresh salads, sandwiches, soups, raw veggies, meat snacks, yogurt, etc. We have a mix of better-for-you snacks and food great for healthy living. Since more and more employees are looking for support in meeting their wellness goals, offering healthy items is a huge perk.

Finally, employees love the use of self-checkout technology. The easy-to-use kiosk means no lines, no searching for cash, and no “closed” signs. The micro-market is always open. Your staff can visit, scan the item they want, choose a payment type, and go. The micro-market accepts cashless options such as credit cards and mobile wallets. There is also the option to sign up and pay with a micro-market account, which offers added promotions and sales for your staff.

Use Micro-Markets as a Retention Strategy

Memphis, TN Vending Machines | Olive Branch, MS Office Coffee Service | Southaven, MS Healthy Snacks

Micro-markets are considered a perk by Memphis, TN employees because having one makes them feel valued. The vast number of food options and how the micro-market upgrades the look of the break area are huge. It makes staff feel better about their employer and more likely to stay in their job.

Upgrade the retention value even more by subsidizing the micro-market. Pay for all of the items bought, or a portion. You can even add money to their micro-market account. Subsidizing is a great way to encourage employees to use the micro-market instead of leaving work on breaks. Plus, it recognizes them for their hard work and makes them feel appreciated.

Micro-markets also pair well with other perks, such as office coffee service. This combo can bring employees together for coffee breaks and quick snacks where they can share ideas and socialize. This boosts office morale, which has a direct effect on retention.

Drive Up Retention Today with Break Room Services from Pyramid FoodService

It is expensive to replace employees, so retention is a must for Olive Branch, MS businesses. Micro-markets are a great part of any retention strategy. They are a unique break room solution that offers choices galore. Employees love the convenience and innovative feel of the service. Pair it with other solutions, such as single-cup coffee service or subsidizing, to really boost the retention potential.

For help with break room services that retain employees contact the local experts – Pyramid FoodService. We have the experience and range of services to keep your staff happy and productive. Reach us today at (901) 743-7431. We look forward to working together on your dream break room.

Memphis, TN Snack Vending Machines | Olive Branch, MS Employee Perk | Southaven, MS Office Break Room

10 Can’t-Miss Options for Your Snack Vending Machines in Memphis, Tennessee, as well as Olive Branch and Southaven, Mississippi

When you want a snack vending machine to benefit your staff, variety is vital. It’s important to offer a selection of tempting snacks that cater to different tastes. That way all your employees will see it as the perk it is. Plus, customers will have quick snack options too.

Snack Vending Picks From an Industry Leader

Pyramid FoodService can bring top snack options to your office break room in Memphis, Tennessee; or Olive Branch and Southaven, Mississippi. What kind of treats are we talking about? Keep reading for some of our favorites that are sure to be a hit with your employees and customers.

10 Snack Vending Must-Haves

1. Fritos Chili Cheese

Crunchy corn chips flavored with a zesty blend of chili and cheese, Fritos Chili Cheese is hard to resist. With its bold and savory taste, it’s the perfect snack from the Memphis vending machine. It will hit the spot for anyone craving a salty, flavorful snack.

2. Chesters Hot Fries

These fiery snacks pack a spicy punch. Chesters Hot Fries are ideal for those who enjoy some HEAT in their snacks. The crispy texture and intense spice are sure to wake up your taste buds when you grab these from the Olive Branch snack vending machine.

3. Honey Bun

The honey bun is a classic pastry that’s both sweet and satisfying. A soft, fluffy bun glazed in a sweet honey coating. Thus it’s a perfect treat for any time of day, especially when paired with a delicious coffee from the office coffee brewer.

Memphis, TN Happy Employees | Olive Branch, MS Snack Vending Machines | Southaven, MS Micro-Markets

4. Chocolate Chip Cookie

A timeless favorite, chocolate chip cookies are loved for their rich, buttery flavor and soft, chewy texture. Grab this treat from the Southaven vending machine when you want to indulge in something sweet.

5. Ruffles Cheddar Sour Cream

The Cheddar Sour Cream flavor of Ruffles is a deliciously savory option for your snack vending machine. The bold flavor of cheddar cheese with the tangy taste of sour cream is the ultimate combo. Plus, it offers a satisfying crunch. It’s great for a stand-alone snack or a side to a sandwich from the Memphis micro-market.

6. Munchies PB Cracker

These snack crackers feature a crispy, salty cracker paired with a creamy peanut butter filling. It’s a no-brainer to get these snack options in your Olive Branch, Mississippi snack vending machine. Munchies PB Crackers offer a great blend of textures and flavors in every bite.

7. Snickers

Packed with peanuts, caramel, nougat, and covered in milk chocolate, Snickers bars are a vending favorite. This satisfying treat offers a balance of sweet and salty flavors. Good thing we make it easy to buy from our Memphis, Tennessee snack vending machines with options like cashless payments. It’s an even faster way to bite into that Snickers bar you crave.

Memphis, TN Refreshments | Olive Branch, MS Staff Wellness | Southaven, MS Snack Vending Machines

8. Golden Flake Sweet Heat

Want a unique taste combo? Golden Flake Sweet Heat might be your answer. These unique potato chips pair the sweet taste of honey with a spicy kick. The result is a bold and gratifying flavor with a great crunch.

9. Peanut M&M

These iconic candy-coated chocolates feature a crunchy peanut center covered by chocolate and then a colorful candy shell. Peanut M&Ms are a great treat, offering a protein boost from the nuts and a snackable size, perfect for a healthy snack.

10. Doritos

Known for bold flavors and crunchy textures, Doritos are a snacker’s dream. Plus, they are available in Southaven, Mississippi, vending machines in a variety of flavors. Grab your bag of nacho cheese or cool ranch Doritos for a savory and satisfying treat.

Snack Vending Variety for all Snacking Moods

By adding these 10 can’t-miss snacks to your Mississippi vending service, we keep your staff satisfied. There will be plenty of delicious Memphis snacks from which to choose and fast, easy payments. The sweet, savory, and spicy break room snacks are sure to hit the spot.

Pyramid FoodService does more than just snack vending services. Get office snacks in micro-markets or brew up delicious Tennessee office coffee too. No matter your needs, we have you covered. Call us at (901) 743-7431 today.

Office Water Memphis, TN | Olive Branch, MS Vending Services | Southaven, MS Better Tasting Beverages

4 Benefits You Can Enjoy with a Memphis, TN, as well as Olive Branch and Southaven, MS Water Filtration Service

Adding a water filtration service to your Memphis, TN break room may seem like an extra. Could it really make a difference? The answer is yes! It’s a worthwhile break room service for many reasons. Discover four benefits you’ll enjoy when you add a water filtration solution:

1. Water Filtration Helps Employees Stay Hydrated

Some surveys say 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. In other words, people don’t drink enough water. This can cause many problems. When people don’t get enough water, they feel tired and sluggish. They might even have trouble concentrating. Others have a foggy memory.

An Olive Branch, MS water filtration system can help beat dehydration. It provides fresh-tasting water that employees can drink at any time. An office water dispenser serves hot and cold water at the touch of a button. Employees can drink chilled water on hot summer days. They can use hot water to make hot tea and beverages in the winter. No matter how employees drink water, it hydrates them. When employees get enough water, they feel better and focus better.

Water is a healthy choice. A water filter can encourage people to choose water more. When water tastes better, people are more likely to drink it. So, make great-tasting water easily available.

2. A Water Cooler Boosts Socialization in Your Southaven, MS Break Room

Water filtration can bring your break area to life. Remember how people used to talk around the water cooler? Now, Memphis, TN employees can gather around the filtered water system for a friendly chat.

Socialization can foster a team spirit in your workplace. Plus, it opens the door for collaboration. That is a good thing because the more people and perspectives, the more creative the outcomes.

Memphis, TN Micro-Market | Olive Branch, MS Healthy Beverages | Southaven, MS Office Coffee & Water Filtration Service

Plus, taking mini breaks can boost productivity. That’s right! No one can concentrate for hours on end. A quick walk to the water dispenser can get the blood flowing and help your employees regain focus.

3. Water Filtration Helps Brew Better Office Coffee

Filtering water improves the taste of your Olive Branch, MS coffee and tea. Filtering water gets rid of chemicals and impurities. That means you can enjoy the full flavor of coffee. Say goodbye to chlorine and chemical tastes. Instead, enjoy the best office coffee. Teas also taste purer.

We make it easy to brew the best coffee and tea. We’ll hook up the filtered water directly to your Southaven, MS office coffee service. As a bonus, filtered water is better for your coffee brewer. That means less maintenance and more coffee!

4. It’s Easy to Add to Your Memphis, TN Break Room

Water filtration couldn’t be easier to add. We have a solution that will work perfectly for your Olive Branch, MS break room. Choose from a floor-standing or a countertop model.

Water dispensers are small when compared to a beverage vending machine. Yet, they offer many of the same benefits! Some water dispensers even serve sparkling and flavored water. That makes water even more appealing to employees.

A water dispenser can fit in perfectly to your Southaven, MS office micro-market. It boosts the benefit to staff. Or, add it on its own as a healthy employee perk.

Pyramid FoodService Leads the Way in Water Filtration Services

A water filtration service can improve your Memphis, TN workplace. As a bonus, you can also say goodbye to single-use plastic water bottles. That’s a win for your workplace and the planet.

Get in touch to discuss your water filtration needs. We look forward to bringing fresh water free of impurities to your break room. Contact Pyramid FoodService at (901) 743-7431 for all your vending machine and break room needs.