Memphis, TN Office Coffee | Olive Branch, MS Break Room | Southaven, MS Water Filtration

How to Choose the Perfect Office Coffee Machine for your Memphis, TN, as well as Olive Branch and Southaven, MS Break Room

The right office coffee machine can make a big difference. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee in the office break room has the power to perk up staff and boost productivity. How do you decide which office coffee service to choose for your location in Memphis, Tennessee; Olive Branch, or Southaven, Mississippi? As experts in local vending service and break room solutions, Pyramid FoodService has some tips.

In this guide, we’ll explore three of the best office coffee brewers. Each has features that make it a perfect coffee brewer depending on your office needs. Let’s take a closer look at these top coffee service contenders.

The Flavia C600 Offers Office Coffee Choices

The Flavia C600 is a strong choice for Tennessee coffee service. It’s commercial-grade, so as a Memphis coffee brewer, it can handle lots of daily use. One of its best features is its alerts. The Flavia C600 will automatically let you know when it needs support. That makes maintenance easy.

With 14 different drink options, the Flavia C600 offers the most options. It’s a great way to give everyone in the office their own brew. Plus, the coffee machine is designed to prevent contamination transfer between drinks. That means the flavor from one drink won’t affect the next. This is a great example of how we use technology to provide high-rated Mississippi coffee service.

Keurig® Eccellenza Brews for Large Offices

Keurig® is a well-known name in the coffee industry. Their Eccellenza model offers Olive Branch coffee drinkers a range of features that make it great for an office. There are no paper filters to use, which streamlines coffee brewing. Plus, each coffee is made by the cup, so it’s always fresh and delicious.

Some Tennessee single-cup coffee brewers can’t handle steady use, but that’s not true of the Eccellenza. This coffee brewer can make up to 300 cups a day. It is well-suited for larger offices with a constant need for coffee.

The de Jong DUKE Virtu Delivers a Premium Experience

Memphis, TN Micro-Markets | Olive Branch, MS Coffee Service | Southaven, MS Office Break Room

As a bean-to-cup machine, the de Jong DUKE Virtu brews fresh, cafe-quality coffee. The Mississippi coffee brewer grinds fresh beans for each cup. The coffee is rich and aromatic in a way only freshly ground coffee can be. The easy-to-use touchscreen makes ordering coffee easy. Plus, the Virtu has a ConnectMe option to ensure service issues are solved quickly.

The best part of the Virtu is that it meets individual and group coffee needs. Order a single cup of fresh espresso for yourself. Or, you can brew a jug of fresh coffee for a team meeting. It caters to both.

Office Coffee Companion Services

Any of these Southaven coffee brewers will pair well with other office coffee service perks, such as hot teas and water filtration. Your staff will love having access to other drink options, like cold water and health-boosting teas.

Don’t stop at drinks. Boost staff morale with our custom vending service or Memphis micro-markets. We’ll stock treats, tasty food, and healthy snacks perfect for everyone on staff.

Pyramid FoodService Brings the Best Office Coffee to You

In order to select the right office coffee machine, you need to assess your workplace needs.  Want a diverse drink menu? Need to brew a high volume of coffee each day? Pyramid FoodService has the coffee solution perfect for your Memphis, Tennessee; Olive Branch, or Southaven, Mississippi office. Reach out to us for the perfect brew-by-the-cup machine and coffee companion service. We are happy to partner with you on a great break room. Contact Pyramid FoodService at (901) 743-7431. We can’t wait to hear from you.

Memphis, TN Vending Machines | Olive Branch, MS Micro-Markets & Coffee Service | Southaven, MS Employee Trust

4 Ways to Gain Employee Trust Through the Memphis, TN, as well as Olive Branch & Southaven, MS Break Room

Creating a positive workplace is one of the best ways to recruit and retain. Part of that journey is gaining employee trust. When your team trusts you as an employer, they are more likely to recommend your company to others. Want another benefit of trust? Fortune magazine reported that productive companies show excellent trust between employees and management.

Fortunately, building trust isn’t complicated. You can even build trust in your Memphis break room! Here’s how:

1. Boost Trust with Employee Perks in Your Olive Branch, MS Break Room

Employees love perks in the break room. An office coffee service can give employees access to tasty gourmet coffee. Or, you can offer employees the convenience of Southaven, MS vending machines. There, employees can find snacks and refreshing beverages.

Adding employee perks in the break room can help increase trust. Through these perks, you encourage positive workplace relationships. Friendly relationships between employees at all levels can boost trust.

With Pyramid FoodService as your partner in break room services, you can offer your team the best. We are experts in Memphis, TN break room solutions.

2. Be Inclusive in the Break Room

Meet the needs of your many unique employees by ensuring there is product variety in your break room. When you include a lot of products, you show your employees you care about them as individuals. Meet your team’s dietary needs with gluten-free products, low-fat items, and other healthy choices. Also, include foods from around the world. That way, employees from all backgrounds can find comforting foods.

One of the best ways to do this is with a Olive Branch, MS micro-market. This break room solution provides more options than a vending machine. That means more room for different products various employees across your building would enjoy.

3. Embrace Innovation

Boost trust among employees by showing you’re prepared for the future. Using new technologies can help you stay on-trend. Try the latest Southaven, MS office coffee machines like bean-to-cup brewers.

Memphis, TN Office Pantry Service | Olive Branch, MS Break Room Solutions | Southaven, MS Company Trust

Another place to embrace innovation is in your micro-market. This break room solution has a modern self-serve kiosk. When idle, you can add messages to the kiosk screen! For example, you can post branding or promote your company culture.

4. Increase Trust by Showing Appreciation

You can also build trust by showing employees you appreciate their hard work. This improves your overall relationship and boosts company morale.

Free items show employees you care. Plus, it attracts new hires. Upgrade your office coffee service or use a Memphis, TN office pantry service. These services bring free snacks and beverages to the workplace.

If that’s not right for you, consider offering subsidized days in the micro-market. Or, deposit money into the break room mobile app for special occasions. That way, employees can buy snacks and drinks for free.

Increase Trust with the Help of Pyramid FoodService

At Pyramid FoodService, we’re here to support you! As a leader in Memphis, TN, as well as Olive Branch & Southaven, MS break room services, we can help you achieve your goals. Let us know what you have in mind. Our years of experience can help you create a workplace that fosters trust.

Contact Pyramid FoodService at (901) 743-7431 to get started! We look forward to serving you.