Memphis, TN Pyramid FoodService Tennessee Water Service | Stanton, TN Staying Hydrated | Collierville, TN Healthy Options

Beat the Heat: Tips on Staying Hydrated This Summer in Memphis, Stanton, and Collierville

As temperatures rise, staying hydrated is more crucial than ever. It’s a must for keeping up energy levels, focus, and overall health. But for some employees, it can be hard to get enough water to beat the heat. There’s where Pyramid FoodService can help.

Whether it’s on the factory floor or in the office, ensuring staff drink water throughout the day is vital. We’ve pulled together some practical tips to help your team stay hydrated. They include ways to enhance the flavor of your water and get more energy from what you drink. Plus, different solutions that improve the overall quality of the Memphis water in your break room.

Why Staying Hydrated Matters

Proper hydration is vital for several reasons. For starters, it keeps your body heat regulated. How? By letting you sweat. The sweat, or water, on your skin evaporates, cooling your body. It’s ideal for hot summer days. So the more your workers sweat, the more water they should drink to replace it.

Water, or the lack thereof, can cause people to feel tired. It leads to fatigue and low energy. Thus, productivity goes down. To combat it, offer more delicious office water to drink.

Staying well-hydrated also boosts cognitive functions. How? Because when you drink water you are better able to concentrate. Your mental clarity is better too. That’s great news for staff performance.

Water also plays a big role in health. It prevents headaches, kidney stones, and other problems. Getting your team to drink more water can keep them healthy and happy. That can lead to fewer sick days and lower medical bills.

Tips for Staying Hydrated

Whether it’s for you or your team, here are some useful tips for drinking more water:

1. Drink Regularly

Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink water. If you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Instead, aim to drink small amounts of water often throughout the day.

2. Set Water Reminders

Memphis, TN Pyramid FoodService Tennessee Water Service | Stanton, TN Micro Markets | Collierville, TN Staying Hydrated

Use apps or alarms to remind you to drink water every hour. This can be quite helpful during busy workdays when you might forget.

3. Monitor Your Intake

Keep track of how much water you drink. Use a reusable water bottle with measurement markings to stay on target. Or log ounces in an app. It can be rewarding to see yourself hit hydration goals.

Enhance Your Water’s Flavor

Plain water can sometimes feel boring. So here are some ideas to make your water more appealing.

1. Infuse it with Fruits and Herbs

Add slices of lemon, lime, cucumber, or even whole berries to your water. The flavors mingle with the water, giving it a delightful twist. Or try fresh herbs like mint or basil. They pack a flavorful punch to any glass of water.

2. Use Flavor Drops

There are many flavored water enhancers on the market now. Squeeze a few drops in a bottle of water from the Stanton vending machine for a great taste. Opt for natural or sugar-free drops to avoid extra calories and sugar.

3. Try Sparkling Water

If you like carbonation, sparkling water can be a real treat. There are lots of flavors in your Collierville micro-market and they all boost your hydration. Grab one for a nice alternative to plain water.

Boost Energy with Enhancers

For those needing an extra kick of energy, check out these water enhancements:

1. Electrolyte Powders

These can help replace minerals lost through sweat. They also give you a quick energy boost.

2. Caffeinated Water

Caffeine can offer a gentle pick-me-up. Plus, getting it from water can offer energy without the crash some get from sugary drinks.

3. Vitamin-Infused Drops

Try vitamin drops in your water to get an extra benefit. Options such as B12 and C can help keep up your energy level and support your immune system.

Hydration Solutions for the Workplace

Creating a hydration-friendly Stanton break room encourages employees to drink more water. How can you do that? Here are our useful tips.

Pyramid FoodService Tennessee Water Service

1. Provide Bottled and Filtered Water

Stock the break room with bottled water and a good water filtration system. This keeps clean, great water on demand. Plus, the filtered water can be used in the Collierville office coffee brewer to improve taste.

2. Install a Water Cooler

A water cooler with both chilled and hot water has many benefits. First, it caters to many employee needs, like hot water for tea or an icy cold refresher. It also becomes a gathering place for staff to chat and keeps morale high.

3. Offer Variety

Include a mix of water options. Ensure the Memphis micro-markets have sparkling water and flavored drops, for example. By providing a variety, you are able to cater to the diverse tastes of your team.

4. Promote Hydration

Place signs and posters around the office about staying hydrated. You can also set up hydration challenges to get staff to drink more water. Or, offer them branded reusable water bottles. This is a staff perk, a marketing bonus, and helps your business be more green.

Pyramid FoodService Helps Your Team with Staying Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water this summer is a must. It is vital to maintain health, energy, and productivity. Make water more enjoyable with flavors, enhancers, and the right solutions. Then all your Memphis, Stanton, and Collierville staff can stay refreshed. After all, a well-hydrated team is a happy and high-performing team

Reach out to the hydration leaders in your area – Pyramid FoodService. We’ll build a water solution just for you. Plus, we offer other break room services, such as micro-markets full of healthy options. Call us today at (901) 743-7431!


Memphis Vending Services | Stanton Bottled Water | Collierville Employee Health

Still vs. Sparkling: What Water is Best for Memphis, Stanton, and Collierville Employee Health

There is great debate over the benefits of still and sparkling water. While water is great for employee health and hydration, is one better? Does the carbonation make the water less hydrating? Is still water better for you? Pyramid FoodService pulled together some facts in this blog about still and sparkling water. That way you can make an informed decision on what is healthiest for you to drink. And what types of water options to include in your employee break room.

Taste and Texture Can Boost Employee Health

To reap the benefits of water, first, you need to drink it. For some people, this is easy. To them, water tastes great just as it is. They enjoy a glass straight from the break room tap. Others might enjoy still water if it’s chilled, like the bottles in Memphis cold beverage vending machines.

Other people find still water, regardless of what state it’s in, to be flat and tasteless. If still water is the only option, they are likely to drink something else. Enter sparkling water. The bubbles give water a different mouth feel. Carbonation is fizzy and a bit tangy. Plus, there are also lots of naturally flavored sparkling waters. The beverage coolers in your Stanton micro-market might have LaCroix, Bubly, Polar Springs, or other sparkling water options.

The better taste and mouth feel can encourage people to drink more water. That means, offering it in your break room could promote hydration. That boosts employee health and well-being too.

Employee Health is All About Hydration

Memphis Micro-Markets | Collierville Water Filtration | Stanton Employee Health

So why exactly is drinking water so good for you? There are many reasons, but the broadest is that water replenishes your body. It refills fluids used as you think, eat, digest, sleep, move, talk, blink, etc. That makes it an all-around great thing to drink. There’s research that being hydrated can even improve concentration and boost mood. In addition, drinking water doesn’t add calories, sugar, or artificial additives (in most cases) to your daily total. That’s a win for anyone watching their weight and diet.

But does the carbonation affect how hydrating water is? The answer is no. According to the Associated Press fact-checking and Healthline, sparkling water is just as hydrating as still water. The bubbles make no difference in how the body takes in the water.

There may actually be an advantage to sparkling water. For some people, it can aid in digestion by making them feel full. That makes it a great option for employees trying to manage their weight in order to meet wellness goals. And as we mentioned earlier, many people prefer the taste.

For some people, carbonation can cause discomfort or even an upset stomach. Still water is the best option for these members of your team. We suggest a water filtration service to bring the best still water options to your break room. We can customize it to your break room space. Plus, the water is available on-demand via a tap, hot and cold. It can also be used to boost your Collierville office coffee and tea service.

The Choice Comes Down to Personal Preference

In the end, the choice of sparkling water or still water comes down to personal preference. If you like the crispness and fizz of a sparkling option, it’s a healthy beverage choice. But if you like the pure, smoothness of still water, that’s excellent too. Choose the option that helps you drink the most water and reap those water benefits!p

Interested in getting water options in your Memphis break room? It’s time to contact Pyramid FoodService. We have not just still and sparkling water solutions, but other services that will upgrade your break room. Call us today at (901) 743-7431. We look forward to working together.